Wednesday, 15 April 2020

DBH 3, Coronavirus


In this quarantine, many things have changed and many things will change. For example, the environment. The environment has changed or will change because now people are staying at home and this is something positive because there are less cars and public transports working. Thanks to this quarantine, we can learn something positive to apply it in our new lives, because after this quarantine people are not going to be the same: they are going to smoke less, they are going to use less public transport, they are going to use less cars... I think something positive has to happen after this. If we change our attitudes by helping the environment, our lives will be better. 

By: Maialen

Coronavirus from Marta Martín

The Coronavirus has affected everyone in the world.Every single person is staying at home.The reason is because of  a new virus called coronavirus or covid-19. This virus expands very easily and affects mostly to old people.This virus has killed thousands of people.

   The prevention taken is basically  that everyone has to stay at home.This has affected us in many ways.For example we do clases online,we can’t go out to hang out with friends,we can’t go out to do sport… . 

BY: Aimar K.

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