Tuesday, 3 June 2014

DBH 2, Jump to Freedom

A Number the sentences in the correct order to tell the plot of the story.
......   a.  The master sells Tom.
......   b.  Molly goes to live in the big house.
......   c.  Mr Smith gives Molly to Edward.
......   d.  Edward and Molly fight.
......   e.  Molly returns to her mother.
......   f.  The captain wins Molly in a game.
......   g.  Molly and Tom escape.
......   h.  Molly meets Tom again.
......   i.   The master punishes Molly.
......   j.   Mrs Smith comes to Sarah’s cabin.
10 points (1 points each)
B Write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence. Then correct the false sentences.
......   1.  Sarah was happy because Molly learned to read.
......   2.  Molly had dreams about Tom.
......   3.  Catherine always slept all night.
......   4.  Molly never worked in the fields.
......   5.  Edward had a wedding.
......   6.  Molly and Tom were slaves all their lives.
10 points (1 points each)
C Complete the chart. Next to each quote write the name of the correct character. Then complete the sentence to show why he / she said / thought it.
Who said / thought it?
1.  I’ll never see my son again!

the master …
2.  I’m going to tell my father!

Molly …
3.  Let that be a lesson to you.

Molly …
4.  Finally, that horrible man is leaving the plantation.

Edward …
5.  Take the stupid girl!

the captain …
15 points (3 points each)

D Answer the questions according to the story.
1. What was Molly’s job in the big house?
2. What happened to Tom’s mother?
3. Where did Molly work after her seventh birthday?
4. What was Mr Smith’s wedding present to Edward? How did Molly feel about it?
5. Where did the captain take Molly on a trip? What happened there?
15 points (3 points each)

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