Tuesday, 3 June 2014

DBH 2, Tales of the Alhambra

A Complete the chart about the story The Moor’s Legacy.
Who did it?
Because …
1. bought a donkey

2. helped the dying Muslim

3. took the Muslim’s body to the river

4. took Peregil’s donkey

5. didn’t go down the steps at first

 10 points (2 points each) 
B  Answer the questions about the story The Enchanted Soldier.
1. What did Don Vincent find on the ground?
2. Why was Don Vincent afraid to follow the soldier?
3. What was the soldier’s problem?
4. Why did Father Thomas want to free the soldier?
5. What was Father Thomas’s problem?
6. Why were Don Vincent, Father Thomas and Emmeline sad at the end?
 12 points (2 points each) 

C Number the sentences in the order they happen in the story The Arabian Astrologer.
......   a.  The magic horseman turned towards Guadix.
......   b.  King Aben gave the astrologer a cave to live in.
......   c.  The magic horseman turned to the North.
......   d.  Ibrahim, the astrologer, came to the King’s palace in Granada.
......   e.  Ibrahim built a magic garden.
......   f.  The king fought the enemy with the magic chess pieces.
......   g.  Ibrahim built a tall tower with Egyptian stones.
......   h.  The King gave Ibrahim some women dancers.
......   i.   The people didn’t like the new princess from Guadix.
......   j.   Ibrahim and the Princess disappeared under the ground.
 10 points (1 point each) 
D In all three stories some people remain underground at the end. Answer the questions.
1. In which story did the person choose to go underground?
2. In which story did the people stay underground because it was Allah’s will?
3. In which story did somebody stay underground because other people made a mistake?
 12 points (4 points each) 
E In each story there was a magic object. What was it?
1. The Moor’s Legacy           ..............................................
2. The Enchanted Soldier      ..............................................
3. The Arabian Astrologer     ..............................................
 6 points (2 points each) 

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