Wednesday 15 October 2014

DBH 2, Weather and sports

¿Which sports does global warming affect?

Global warming is beeing a serious problem in our planet, and I think that it will affect some sports, like football or atletism. These sports are normally done outdoors, and based on the predictions of the weather-forecasters, in the future it will rain a lot and it will be very hot, so lots of events will be canceled. From another part, there sports that won't be affected by global warming at all. Two examples are basketball and swimming. These sports won't be affected because they are done indoors, so the hot or the bad weather won't act on them. 

It is a pity that global warming will influence some sports in the future, so we must must take care of our planet.

Maria Amezaga

There are lots and lots of sports that many people like,watch and play. So,what would happen if
                 the global worming affect some sports?For example,we couldn´t go skiing or surfing,becouse
 of the weather. Or we couldn´t play football,basketball,tennis and many other sports outside.Of course it won´t affect all the sports,becouse we could keep playing some sports inside some special areas.
Becouse of the global worming we couldn´t play the traditional sports.
So,take care of the planet and don´t pollute if you love sports and you like
playing or watching them.
BY: Magda Adam
I think that the hot or the cold can affect to the Karate,because the hot can enter easily in the tatami and so you would have to leave the tatami and go to the  street and then we could not do good karate because karate is practiced barefoot on a floor softer than normal in order to make the kata and to throw the people to the soil.Thats is my opinion,and I think so much of that topic,because I practise karate in a tatami
BY: Araitz Elorriaga
Global warming in sports
Global warming will affect a lot in outdoor sports because warm temperatures could put the athletes sic with a headache.Sports will change because some water sports like windsurfing or surf couldn´t have beaches were go to do the sport.So lets change the nature!We can save the world !!!!!!!
BY: Inai Unamuno
How will the global warming affect surfing? Surfing will be affected by global warming, because the ocean's water is getting polluted. This pollution is making the waves smaller. The water level is getting higher so the beaches where the surfers go are going to disappear. In the future the coast will change and there won't be many places to surf.
BY: Paula Aldana

   For every degree the temperature rises, the ball travels about two more inches. In recent decades the average temperature has risen by two degrees and fly balls connected by reference equal launch speed and force applied to the "swing" of the batter, now the ball is traveling about five more inches. Very much if you consider that baseball plays are decided by the minimum margin. In addition, the higher is the pitch above the sea, the ball travels farther.
BY: Ane Martín
A sport that is affected whith the global warming is the basebal because the speed of the ball increases whith the temperature.
2 centigrades more 5 meters more travells the ball. And with the incrise of the sea level bigger is the temperature.
BY: Stefan Nita

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