Wednesday 23 January 2013

The Earth, by DBH 1 students

These are the essays of our DBH1 students about our planet! Check them out!

1.How old is the Earth?4.54+0.05 billion of years
2.How large is the Earth?Aproximately 24900 miles
3.What is Earth made of?Carbon Dioxide,Air,Oxygen,Gravity,Water and much more
4.Why does Earth spin?Ecliptic through a greater angle than usual,taking about 10 seconds longer to do so.
5.Why don’t we feel Earth move?Because Earth moves fast.
Aitor Basterretxea Aldana

How old is the Earth?
The Earth is 4.54+0.05 billion year old.
How large is Earth?
The diameter of the Earth at the equator is 7,926.41.
What is Earth made of?
The Earth is made of Crust, Mantle  and  Core.
Why does Earth spin?
Earth spins because of the way it was formed.
Why don’t we feel Earth move?
Because these  speeds are constant.


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