annia cubero oar
The arctic wolves are not ver good pets,because they are scared of people and they can attac us to defend has 75 cemtimetres of tall and they weight 70kg more less.
They sleep at days because they are nocturne hunters,and they can walk betuing 2000 square kilometers to hunt their dams!
BY: Aitor Jauregi
parots are very fryendly anymals. they eat bread speciall food for parrots and they drank water. some parrots can speak but some worts oder wai thei dont say nothing,parots can be yelow, grean , blu ect....parots sleap at nigh and thei can be measured about 89 and 24 yo like parrots?
BY: Tina Morenu
The dog they eat meat and pienso.they live 10 pr 15 years.They are bigs and smals.They love playng and sle after they eathey eat.
BY: Barbara Victoria
Turtles are great pets.These animals can be small or big, but they are both very slow.Their bodies are about the size of a rock,and their shells are hard like them too.Turtles usually live in big cages fulled with water and little colourfull rocks and trees decorating it.This reptile sleeps at night and it eats plants and little insects floating around the water.Turtles, love just to swim around and stay still for a little wile, until they recharge.The turtle is a wonderful pet!parots are very fryendly anymals. they eat bread speciall food for parrots and they drank water. some parrots can speak but some worts oder wai thei dont say nothing,parots can be yelow, grean , blu ect....parots sleap at nigh and thei can be measured about 89 and 24 yo like parrots?
BY: Tina Morenu
The dog they eat meat and pienso.they live 10 pr 15 years.They are bigs and smals.They love playng and sle after they eathey eat.
BY: Barbara Victoria
The guinea pig is a mammal , it is small , can live for 5 or 6 years , Durmen noche.los the guinea pigs eat grasses and plants, and like to be with people
BY: Marcos González
BY: Sara Iturriarte
Rabbits are a great pets.They are mdium sise they can measure from 33 to 50 cm long and they usualy live in cages.Rabbits live aproximatly 6 to 8 years.They sleep all the night.they eat carrots and vegetables.They dont like alot sports but many peoples love tey like me!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BY: Wyllhyrana Menezes
The shark its an acuatic animal so it lives in the sea, there are 1 metre long. They are fish so they dont sleep, they eat meat like fish, dead animals.... If they grow to much they could eat people. They like eating, and hunting. I think that the shark is an incredible animal.
BY;: Paul García
I've liked aitor jauregi's text because I like wolfs and it was very interesting